Crazy Steep Parking Slope at De Centrum Mall

Currently, around 100 owners of De Centrum Residences and SOHO owners have got keys to their units. I also saw someone staying at 1 of the residence unit already. The person was already hanging up the curtains on Sunday 22th Feb and also had all the air conditioning units installed.

Most of us owners will be very surprised to find that the road loading up towards the parking lots at the mall and residences parking is surprisingly steep. It’s not just the normal steep, it is really steeep. Although I have yet to lodge a complain to the developer Protasco on this, there are numerous people who have complained about it. Apparently the response given by the developer Protasco is that the steep gradient is following some Feng Shui principles (Flying Star Method I presume).

Great, now we are told that the a steep gradient is good Feng Shui. Maybe it's true but there are so many more ways to enhance the building's Feng Shui. What about the safety of the people, I overhead one of the residences owner mentioned that his Proton Exora had to unload all the passengers before he could drive up the slope. One external contractor also mentioned to me that his Nissan Vanette van’s back tires were literally burning rubber while trying to negotiate up the slope. Makes us wonder how the architect Veritas Design could have approved it.

Personally, I’m not so sure how the developer Protasco is going to fix this issue and it’s also not going to be a cheap fix. Secondly, by fixing it does it mean the Feng Shui not good anymore ? So many variables to be considered. One certain thing is they do have to fix it because it will also affect the visitors going to De Centrum Mall (aka Gallerie @ De Centrum City). It is in the developer’s interest to fix this as it will definitely affect the real ‘Feng Shui’ of the mall.