Water leaking out of the sink cabinet

Tenant called me one fine Sunday to inform me that water was leaking out from  the kitchen cabinet sink despite closing all the water supply. She told him she suspect it could be from the PVC water pipes underneath the kitchen cabinet.

I immediately called my plumber over to check the situation out. My plumber arrived at the scene, did some random checks and found the source of the leak quite fast.

Apparently the problem wasn't caused by a leaking water pipe instead it was caused by blockage at the outlet drain. The outlet drain at all DeCentrum units comes with a drain trap which needs to be regularly clean but for my case the tenant didn't know about it. The gunk and dirt accumulated on the drain trap until all the waste water overflow back up the drain.

My plumber cleaned up the drain pipe and then put it back and the water overflow problem didn't occur anymore. The problem will still come back in future when there is a blockage again.

Total damage to my wallet was RM150 😪. I think it could be cheaper but this plumber is quite responsive and does the job immediately on the same day of calling him.