International Schools near De Centrum City

One of the important considerations for family is children’s education first, then followed by place of work. This is so important that many developers build international schools in their township to attract family buyers. One famous property sifu once explained why downtime KLCC is not a good place for family stay as the nearest international school is Sayfol International School in Ampang, he explained that people who stay in downtown KLCC do not want to fetch their children to the school and then brave the notorious KL traffic back to work in downtown KLCC. Given a choice, families will always choose to stay near areas with institutions of education, proximity to workplace comes in second.

The nearest International School near De Centrum City is TIS (Tanarata International School). It’s located just a stone throw away from De Centrum City before reaching IOI City Mall. The next nearest would probably be Nexus International School at Putrajaya Precint 15 owned by Taylor's college group.