Rimbawan Residences @ De Centrum Pricing

Rimbawan Residence @ De Centrum Sales Brochure
Rimbawan Residence @ De Centrum Pricing
The pricing for Rimbawan Residence has been announced. There are essentially 4 Types of units. Type A to C are standard units while the villa units are limited edition units.

In terms of pricing, Rimbawan Residence is more pricey than De Centrum Residences. A 2 room unit (Type A) is roughly around 589 psf while De Centrum Residence unit was around 470 psf. translating into a 25% increase. 
Rimbawan Residence @ De Centrum Sales Brochure
Rimbawan Residence @ De Centrum Sales Brochure

The main site is at :

Note : This project has been cancelled due to low demand