Decentrum Site Progress - 26-5-15

70% completed based on progressive billings. After rushing to build the four walls up to the top floors, there was a slowdown for a while and then suddenly the developer started from the bottom floors again by painting and putting in the hard furnishings like windows.

In addition to that, seems like the road leading toward the property is also being widened and redone. I suspect the trees which are blocking the view of the mall will be chopped off. The bus stop in front of the property also seems like ready already.

SOHO and Residence component seem like on schedule to complete before November.

At the moment the mall component doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing yet, it looks more like a normal office 3 storey office block. However, based on the original design, developer suppose to put some decorative panelling to make it look more like a neighborhood mall. Let's hope the arkitek Veritas Design lives up to their name in doing good design. This place is no Tribeca (a high end condo by Veritas Design) but being 50% of it good enough already.